A Unique Digital Marketing Agency

Success stories / Testimonials

Success stories / Testimonials

Success stories

Website Design & Development

“If I were going to trust my company’s online presence with any developer it would be with Ty Walsworth. Ty knows how to strategically build and navigate customer-facing user experience and his extensive background in branding, coupled with his UX skills is a tremendous plus.” —Henry Harrison, CEO


In 2014 we started working with a two-location medical office that was unhappy with their current digital marketing team as the results were not great. We did an evaluation of their industry, competition, and website. We showed them several holes in the current digital strategy that needed to be fixed to gain the traction they needed. Within three months they had over 90% of their targeted keywords naturally on the first page of Google.

Over the last several years they have grown to now having nine locations across their metroplex. We are constantly evaluating new areas that they are planning on expanding in to set up a digital footprint. Now every market they enter starts with a strong digital presences already producing leads and allowing each location to get to profitability quicker.

By approaching this account from the perspective of “If this was our business how would we…,” our team was able to build a long lasting relationship that has always been based on results.


We were approached by an attorney who was tired of grinding to get new business and wanted his phone to start ringing. We sat down with him and his partner to evaluate what their goals were and what success looked like. Our team did an evaluation of their market, website, competition, and set realistic expectations. Due to the competitive nature of their industry, we informed them that this was going to be a process and that we would need more time than what they initially were hoping for.

After launching their SEO campaign we closely monitored the results and made the needed adjustments to gain placement. Within 60 days they were already getting phone calls and getting new clients, 4 months ahead of the expectations we gave them. Their website becomes more relevant every month and the traffic is increasing.

The competitive nature of their industry made the initial results harder to obtain, but setting up proper expectations and producing ahead of schedule made this client extremely happy with their investment. We found out later that we came in about 50% less than their expectations on the expected investment needed and that we could have charged them way more. Because we base our proposals on what is needed and not what they could afford, they were able to invest those funds into other areas of their practice.

Social Media Marketing

“They are effective, flexible and caring. They want my business to succeed as much as I do.” —TITLE Boxing Club Dallas & Arlington

Social Media Marketing, SEO and PPC

Several years ago our team was introduced to a small, local business that wanted to get away from print advertising and move to digital. We sat down to find out what their expectations were and how they envisioned this transition. From there we did our evaluation of the market and their digital footprint. We showed them a way to gain exposure through several different online outlets, paid and natural.

We launched a social media campaign that targeted their key demographic/psychographic, along with SEO and PPC campaigns. Within days, they had received leads and were converting business at a faster rate than the print marketing had in recent years. They canceled all of their print marketing as the contracts came up and today they are 100% marketing through digital outlets. Within 6 months the Google Pay Per Click campaign became obsolete as almost every phrase they were paying for was organically on the first page. We canceled their paid ads and shifted all focus on social media and their SEO campaign.

A few years later, the business owner informed us that we cut their marketing budget by over 80% ,and their growth has consistently seen a 20% +/- growth each year. This business owner views us as a partner in his business and consistently asks for our opinions on new markets that he is exploring.

Social Media Marketing

Half way through 2017 we were approached by a previous client who had sold their previous business and asked for some marketing advice. They were opening a location with a new health and wellness franchise that was going to be a new concept to their market. We provided them with a comprehensive demographic evaluation and showed them how we wanted to approach their market. The advice we were giving them went against the national franchise recommendations, but we were granted an exception to try our approach.

One month out from their grand opening we started an awareness campaign to introduce the service and how it would help certain ailments. The day they opened their doors they were overwhelmed with business and quickly had to staff up.

One month after they opened they were told that they had the best opening in the franchise history. From there we were granted the ability to market for any of their franchisees that chose to work with us. Every location we have partnered with has seen an increase in business.

Website Design & Development

“Just wanted to say a big thank you for your work on our behalf. We can already see a big improvement in our ranking. You have proved your point and we look forward to a long working relationship with your company’” —John E.

Website Design & Development

“Ty is beyond incredible to work with. Great communication, and does what he says he’s going to do. Everything you want from someone you need to count on. I recommend him all the time.” —Lee Shelton, Partner

Why Choose Make Me Relevant?

We will get you noticed online.

Customer Commitment

We have a highly skilled, deeply tenured and creative team. No request is too big for us. We desire your success as much as you do.

One Size Does Not Fit All

We never use a cookie-cutter approach for your digital marketing campaign. Nothing we do is by default. Every industry and every client is different.



Our proposal will be 100% based on what you need and not what we think you can afford. We want you to be a customer for life.
  • = Search Engine Optimization =

    “Three weeks after I hired Todd, we went from NO placement to front page placement in the search engines and I landed a $90,000.00 sale. That same client spent over $500K with us the first year!”

    Jeff C.

  • = Website Design & Development =

    “If I were going to trust my company’s online presence with any developer it would be with Ty Walsworth. Ty knows how to strategically build and navigate customer-facing user experiences and his extensive background in branding, coupled with his UX skills is a tremendous plus.”

    Henry Harrison, CEO

  • = Social Media Marketing =

    “Online Edge is effective, flexible and caring. They want my business to succeed as much as I do.”

    Simon Raphael, Owner, TITLE Boxing Club Dallas & Arlington

  • = Search Engine Optimization =

    “Todd, please remove our phone number from our home page and our contact us page as we cannot physically answer all of the phone calls from inquiries.”

    Gib H.

  • = Website Design & Development =

    “Just wanted to say a big thank you for your work on our behalf. We can already see a big improvement in our ranking. You have proved your point and we look forward to a long working relationship with your company’”

    John E.

  • = Search Engine Optimization =

    “It’s been less than 30 days since you optimized my site and my traffic from Google is up 358%!”

    Robert S.

  • = Website Design & Development =

    “Ty is beyond incredible to work with. Great communication, and does what he says he’s going to do. Everything you want from someone you need to count on. I recommend him all the time.”

    Lee Shelton, Partner